......................ad be gone! table...........................
Thursday, March 25, 2004

Sliding Hill Property Rights 

This is going to be a short beginning to a story about Jordan Pinder, myself and some other random neighbour hood kids who witnessed this battle, among many.

This battle in particular, I can not remember why it started. But what ensued was a who owned what free for all land dispute between Neptune Mud Inc. and the KLC Club properties.

Smarty pants, and shit head name calling a side, property rights and privledges began getting yanked from the table, most likely starting with the best tree for climbing purposes on the KLC Club property. This move was soon countered by the removal of Outdoor Rink provledges from Neptune Mud Inc. The feuding continued until the tennis net, bush line between properties, big rock, top of the sliding hill, slope of the hill and runway of the hill were all under lock down. You would think that this would leave a bunch of 9 year old neighbourhood kids with nothing to do.

Au contrair. I was not to be put out by Jordan not wanting to admit I was always right, or giving into my every whim. No sir. The sliding must go on. Those who were on my allied forces would slide from the top of the sliding hill to the point of property transferance, where like something out of the Speed movie, we would ditch crazy carpet and roll to the side remaning on allied soil. The odd crazy carpet slipped away into enemy lines and had to be negotiated back into allied hands.

Not to be out done, Jordan and his troops stood on the hill at the boundary line and continued to slide by giving themselves a jump start, throwing themselves on to the ground with enough force to get to the baby barn.

*I will continue this story as I go and edit it and make it better, but I was thinking about it and it seems a classic me childhood story*

All things considered I think Jordan had the better of the two sides since he had a rink, baby barn, rock, tennis net and half a hill; and I had a back yard of dog poop to side step, a climbing tree during winter and......well I dont think there was much else.
12:41 AM

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