......................ad be gone! table...........................
Thursday, June 10, 2004

Craig's Party June 2004 

Well, it was one of the only times that I have been to a party in Craigs basement. Most everyone else is quite used to the going on at one of these parties.

Kathleen arrives and participates in good conversation for approx. an hour while she tries to get to know what everyone is up to these days. Then, before you or she even knows it, she is shit faced drunk. Spilling drinks on the poker table (pool table), spilling drinks on the floor of the basement and also spilling drinks upstairs. Kathleens night came to a close with her feeling a bit sick and wanting to walk home. So she did. And..she made it.

Sara's cold seemed to be getting the best of her, but she pushed it aside, kept drinking and from the sounds of the comments coming from the poker table, she was kicking some ass for a little while there.

Kareokee (spl) was sung for a short while, with the Canadian Idol being Jimmy MacKinley without a doubt. His stage performance is amazing. Snag and Craig liked to stick to the hard core songs that no one knows and are hard on the head once you have had a few beers.

Jon Kenny was there, which everyone was glad about. Jon has had a heard year with his heart and all, and is now taking extra good care of himself. Jon was drinking his water and watching the goings on and seemed amused and glad to be there. I'm glad he came too. Oliver was also there and in a great mood. I could hear him dissing some gossip to Kyla (some good gossip by her reactions) and he wouldn't tell me any of it. Thats ok though, because I'm really not involved in people Frederictons lives so any gossip from it would be pure noseyness.

Josh, Jordan, Kyle and Trevor seemed to be getting along fine and had a good time playing pool. Also from what I heard and saw at the poker table, I dont think Kyle was winning too many hands.

I began to fall asleep from a hard day of work, and Kyla was passing out from pain in her knee when Craig and Snag decided we should all go for a swim. The only ones up for the swim were Craig, Kyla, Snag and I so we decided to increase the wager. The guys dared us to go skinny dipping. Well this was just all in good friendly fun (no porno direcotrs please) so we decided we would take them up on the bet but they had to get in first before we would get in. So we all went swimming in the same state as the day we were born. It was really fun sharing an exciting moment like that with some of your best friends during the best years of your life. We were enjoying water and the kewl shadows the moon played off it when Kyle strolled out to see what all the noise was. He told us that everyone had gone home when we had decided to go swimming (I dont know why no one else wanted to come!!! live a little!!) and that he decided he would dare the cold air for a swim too. It was great fun. We all eventually got tired of swimming and got out. We dried off, played a bit of video games and went home or to bed.

The next morning I tried to clean Arlene's house as best I could, grouping all the empties together, doing a load of laundry and a load of dishes. But looking back on it now, that is prolly how she will know we had a party. The house is too clean when she gets back and knows that someone besides Craig cleaned it.
2:04 PM

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